Ice Breaker – 2014 Fitness Goals

Ice Breaker

Each week on The Stretched Blog, I ask an ice breaker question. The questions are designed to help us get to know each other here in The Stretched Community. I’ll provide my answer to the question here in the post, and then you can leave your response in the comments. While you’re in the comments section, see how others answered the ice breaker question.

Even if you are in perfect shape, you probably have some things you’d like to do to improve or to maintain your fitness level.  As I stated in my 2014 Goals post on Wednesday, I set personal goals in several different categories for the new year.  Today, I’m going to share my fitness goals with you as part of this week’s Stretched Ice Breaker.

Question:  Did you set any fitness related goals for the new year?  Share one (or more) of them in the comments.

My Answer:  After the three goals above (spiritual, marriage, and family – not shown here), I have other goals and desires which are worth pursuing.  I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I want to do things for my body which will allow me to live a happy, productive, and long life.  To this end, I will find ways to exercise 250 days in 2014.  I will run 1,500 miles.  And I will swim 25 miles.

(Last year, I exercised 250 days, and I ran 1386 miles.  Are these goals possible?  I think so.)

Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response! (As always, feel free to share links.) And keep STRETCHING!

Also don’t forget to sign up for the Stretched newsletter.  Check out this post to find out how to sign up.