Happy April Fool’s Day!

Whenever April 1st rolls around, I immediately think of elementary school, my brother, and contact lenses. How do these three things go together? It’s all part of the greatest April Fool’s Day prank that a 3rd grader has ever pulled off. I’d like to say that the prank was my idea (which it was), but nobody could pull this off quite like my brother who was in 3rd grade at the time. Here’s how his day went.
In the morning when my brother arrived at school, he began telling his teacher and his classmates that he had just gotten contact lenses. This may seem a little early for a boy in 3rd grade, but they believed him. This went on all morning until my brother’s class went to the gym/cafeteria for lunch. As his classmates were eating lunch, my brother told his classmates and his lunch room aid that he couldn’t find his one of his contacts. My class 5th grade class was already in the lunch room, so I had the opportunity to see his entire class on their hands and knees under the lunch table trying to find a contact. If I remember correctly, my brother was even in tears as his class left the cafeteria for recess.
Apparently, the weather must not have been great, because he had indoor recess in his classroom where the charade continued tears and searching included. My brother pulled it off until the end of recess when he approached his lunch aide to let her know that it was April Fool’s Day.
My brother was sent to the principal’s office where the principal smiled and laughed at such a great April Fool’s Day prank. Only my brother!
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
Happy April Fool’s Day!
How do you celebrate this “holiday”? What’s the greatest April Fool’s Day prank you’ve experienced or pulled off?