Get Connected in a Group
Dear CCV Family,
What better way to start off your New Year than to join a group at CCV?
Joining a small group is a great way to meet people, engage in spiritual discussions and have fun! In 2009, we’re taking a new approach to Small Group ministry by moving to a semester based format. In this new format, there will be a defined beginning and end during which people can easily join or leave a group.
There are a lot of benefits to the semester format. Listed below are just a few:
- There are more opportunities during the year to join a group.
- New groups are added each semester which means more choices.
- There’s no long term commitment, if you don’t want one.
- If a group doesn’t work for you, try another.
Our goal is to help you connect with other people here at CCV and learn more about God. One size doesn’t fit all; that’s why we think it’s important to offer a wide variety of groups. Whether you’re interested in studying the Bible, learning how to study the Bible or you simply want to meet people who are experiencing the same things in life as you are, there’s a place for you.
During Sunday services the last few weeks, there’s been a sign up table in the lobby. For those who haven’t had the opportunity to stop by the table, we thought it would be helpful to send the Group Catalog to you! As you look through the Catalog (attached), you’ll notice there are different types of groups that meet every day of the week around the area. Our “Winter Semester” starts the first week of January and finishes the last week in March. Each group plans to meet 10 – 12 weeks during that time.
There’s still plenty of time to sign up, so click here to go to the CCV website to find a group. Why not sign up? It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s one of the best ways to get connected!
If you have additional questions, please contact me at 610.792.0777 ext. 207 or
Happy Holidays!
Terri Stone
Director of Involvement