Extraordinary Measures

Last night, Leanne and I watched Extraordinary Measures.  The movie is about a dad who goes to every thinkable extreme to help his kids in their fight to live with Pompe disease.  The movie was very moving and inspiring.  I posted on facebook last night that I was so thankful for the scientists, investors, and clinical trial people who make medicines possible.  I standby that comment; however, this morning my thoughts on the movie took me a whole different direction.

As a dad and a husband, I kind of get the idea of the movie.  I would do anything for my wife and kids.  “I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more….” When I thought about this more though (even on the heals of my Helping Hands post), there is a limit to what extreme a human being could go for me.  There is still an answer.  There is still someone who would go to any (and I mean any) extreme for me and for you.  John 3:16 says, “God so loved this world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will have eternal life.” You see, God took extraordinary measures by sending His Son to live his life, die on a cross, and rise again, so that you and I could one day share eternity with Him.  Talk about extraordinary.
