Coping with the Highs and Lows of Life
I’ve experienced the highest of highs and lowest of lows. I think to really appreciate anything you have to be at both ends of the spectrum.
John Elway
Yesterday was full of highs and lows.
I got to spend the early morning with a group of men for our weekly get together. This was a high.
I visited a friend in the hospital.
I made it to the gym for 4.5 miles on the treadmill. For me, this was another high.
We received word that a friend was struggling and in need of healing. This was a low.
Our family took a 5 mile hike and Evansburg State Park on a beautiful day. Yes, this was a high.
We had to put our 13-year-old lab (Iso) down last night. This was really tough. We will greatly miss him.
Life is full of highs and lows. The highs lift us up, and the lows force us to reflect. There will be more highs and more lows in the days, weeks, and years ahead, and this is okay.
When it seems like life is all over the place, it’s important to remember that God is constant. His love for us never changes. And His mercies never come to an end.
As I reflect on an up and down day, I am thankful for the opportunity to experience life – even though it hurts sometimes.