Sunday, I introduced the Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition. This is a tradition our family started 15 years ago, and it has helped ensure we intentionally reflect on God’s provision in our lives over the past year. To read more about the tradition, click here.
This week, I’ll be sharing the things I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year. (Monday, I shared the first thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth. Tuesday, I shared the second thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth. And yesterday, I shared the third thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth.)
Today, I’m thankful for my kids. They have kept me busy and proud this year.
I’m thankful for Hannah, our oldest. She kept us busy this year graduating from high school and starting college. We’re excited to have her home this week to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
And I’m thankful for Isaac. He has also had a year of milestones – his first job, driving, and working on his music and scouting programs.
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. Psalm 127:3-5
Sunday, I introduced the Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition. This is a tradition our family started 15 years ago, and it has helped ensure we intentionally reflect on God’s provision in our lives over the past year. To read more about the tradition, click here.
This week, I’ll be sharing the things I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year. (Monday, I shared the first thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth. Yesterday, I shared the second thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth.)
I’m thankful for the people God has put around me this year. And I’m grateful for the mastermind concept that seems to be part of my life. Jim Rohn says, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most with.” And there are some great people around me these days.
I’m thankful for the Catalyst Mastermind. This is a group led by my friend, Ellory Wells. This group of individuals has pushed me to try new things.
I’m thankful for the Stretch Man Mastermind. This is a group I started in September to help men stretch to become better husbands, better fathers, and better men. (I’m planning to open up new spots for this group in January. Let me know if you are interested in talking to me about it.)
I’m thankful for DIBs. This is a group of men I meet with every Friday morning at 6AM. We call our self Dudes In the Basement (DIBs), because we meet in the basement at one of the member’s homes. This group is committed to meeting for the next 20 years, and it’s a place where I am challenged spiritually.
I’m thankful for the Siemens Foundation Leadership Program I attended in April. Specifically, I’m thankful for a group of Siemens leaders from North and South America who meet with me every other month to help each other become better leaders for Siemens.
And I’m thankful for Toastmasters. This is a mastermind type of group which has helped me become a better leader and communicator. Because of my involvement in Toastmasters, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to speak and interact with many people from around the area.
I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3
Sunday, I introduced the Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition. This is a tradition our family started 15 years ago, and it has helped ensure we intentionally reflect on God’s provision in our lives over the past year. To read more about the tradition, click here.
This week, I’ll be sharing the things I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year. (Yesterday, I shared the first thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth.)
This year, Leanne and I celebrated our 20th Anniversary. I’m thankful for this milestone. We were in Guatemala for our actual anniversary, and we took time to celebrate a few weeks early by getting away for a week in Vermont while our kids were in Michigan for CIY.
I’m thankful for our weekly date nights. Monday nights we get away for an hour or two, and it’s a great time to reconnect.
I’m thankful for our trip to Vermont. We had so many opportunities to be refreshed and renewed. Through this adventure.
And I’m thankful for the move towards the “empty nest”. Our daughter started college in August, and our son is only two years behind her. We are not trying to push them out, but we are looking forward to time together – just the two of us. It’s exciting to prepare for this stage of our married lives.
I’m thankful for Leanne’s recent teaching opportunities. She finished teaching at Trinity Country Nursery School in May, and she has been substitute teaching at four of the school districts in our area. Leanne is an amazing teacher, and it’s exciting to see her moving back towards full-time public school teaching.
And finally, I’m thankful for the downsizing process that has begun at our house. I’m excited about the freedom that will come as we go through this process.
Stay tuned for Day Three of my Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition reflections.
Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp. Psalm 147:7
Yesterday, I introduced the Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition. This is a tradition our family started 15 years ago, and it has helped ensure we intentionally reflect on God’s provision in our lives over the past year. To read more about the tradition, click here.
This week, I’ll be sharing the things I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year.
On Sunday, I took time to brainstorm my gratitude using the Lighten (mind mapping) application on my iPad, so I’ll be sharing pictures of my Thank You 2016 mindmap to give you a glimpse into my world.
I’m thankful for 2 weeks in Guatemala this summer. Our family traveled to Guatemala to help build three homes and to continue ministry to widows and orphans in the village of Santo Domingo Xenacoj.
I’m thankful for Ann Flynn who joined our team this year. Besides the medical expertise and humor she brought to the trip, it was refreshing to see Xenacoj through her eyes. One of my dreams is to bring others with us when we go to Xenacoj. I want them to experience what we’ve experienced, and I want them to develop a heart for the beautiful people we serve. Ann’s participation in this year’s trip gave me hope that this will happen.
I’m thankful for safe travels, and I’m thankful for the people who helped us out on either side of our trip with transportation and pet care.
I’m thankful for the 3 houses we helped build. More importantly, I’m thankful for the opportunity to engage with the families of Dolores, Maria, and Carmen. I look forward to visiting them when we return again.
I’m thankful for Hillary. She’s visited Xenacoj several times in the past as part of medical missions trips. This was our first trip together. She added a lot to our first week in Guatemala, and I’m thankful for her medical support when Leanne fainted on the construction site the first day.
I’m thankful for my mornings in Guatemala. Each morning I had the opportunity to spend time on the roof of our residence before anyone else woke up. This was my opportunity for Rooftop Reflections – a daily video blog of my thoughts. I also did a lot of reading in the morning. I read through I and II Thessalonians and The Promise of a Pencil and Start Something That Matters. Finally, I had the opportunity in the morning to walk the streets of Xenacoj while Hannah ran on ahead. These morning walks allowed me to suck in the sites, smells, and sounds that come with each morning in this village I love.
I’m thankful for Hope Haven. This is where we helped out in their warehouse where they build wheelchairs for people all over the world. We also participated in a wheelchair basketball game. (It’s harder than you think.)
I’m thankful for Cruz Ayapan, a small village just outside of Xenacoj. This village and it’s village are clear reminders that God’s love is needed all over the world and there is still much work to be done.
I’m thankful for our widows walk with German. It was beautiful to see German’s heart as he ministered to the women in his village who are often forgotten.
I’m thankful for the opportunity to meet with Mario Aquino, the mayor of Xenacoj. This meeting provided an incredible time to discuss a vision for our involvement in the future.
I’m thankful for the generosity of so many donors who helped make this trip possible.
I’m thankful for Oreo, the dog who we adopted during our trip. He lived outside our house, and he always greeted us with his expressive tail and ears.
I’m thankful for protection from witchcraft. I don’t talk about this a lot, but there were people in the village who weren’t excited to have us there. I’m thankful we stayed safe during this experience.
I’m thankful for our wonderful translators. Not only did they help us communicate with the locals, but they became our friends.
And I’m thankful for our visit to Antigua. This is the tourist village about 40 minutes from Xenacoj. I’ll always remember the rooftop dinner with our team and the McDonalds date with Leanne while our kids shopped for souvenirs with the rest of our team.0
Stay tuned for Day Two of my Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition reflections.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 118:1
Across America, people will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week.
Some people will be watching one of the NFL football games televised throughout the day. Others will watch a Thanksgiving parade. Many Americans will be gathering with family and friends to eat a traditional Thanksgiving feast. A few of you may lace up your running shoes or your football cleats for a Thanksgiving 5K or a community Turkey Bowl game.
These are all great traditions. I know I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and eating the delicious Thanksgiving feast.
Thanksgiving is more than family, food, and football. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. While we should be thankful all year, Thanksgiving gives us all the opportunity to more intentional in our gratitude.
For the past 15 years, our family has celebrated Thanksgiving with our Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition.
Here’s how it works:
We have a white tablecloth for our Thanksgiving table. We purchased fabric markers. Each guest at our Thanksgiving feast traces their hand print on the tablecloth using one of the fabric markers (make sure you put a piece of cardboard under the tablecloth while you are doing this part). They write their name and the year in the palm of the hand print. Then each guest writes five things for which they are thankful (one in each finger). You may want to put a piece of clear plastic over the tablecloth after everyone has finished their hand print.
Each year we pull out the tablecloth, and we read over the hand prints from previous years. It’s amazing to see God’s provision in our lives over the years.
We are on our 2nd tablecloth. The tablecloths include names of family members who are no longer with us. They include the colorful and sloppy handwriting of our youngest family members, and they include the beautiful hand prints from friends who joined us for the Thanksgiving meal.
Over the next week, I’ll be sharing the five things I’ll be writing on my hand print this year.
Start a new tradition this year – The Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition. Go pickup a tablecloth and some fabric markers. It’s good to give thanks.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to you and your family.
If you are reading this on Thanksgiving Day, know that I’m thankful for you and go spend time with your family and friends.
Each week on The Stretched Blog, I ask an ice breaker question. The questions are designed to help us get to know each other here in The Stretched Community. I’ll provide my answer to the question here in the post, and then you can leave your response in the comments. While you’re in the comments section, see how others answered the ice breaker question.
(I’m always looking for Ice Breaker question ideas. If you have an idea, send me an email at If I use your question, I’ll give you credit and share your links.)
This week’s question is inspired by a Thanksgiving tradition in our house. Each year, we put a tablecloth on the Thanksgiving table. Each person in attendance traces their hand-print onto the tablecloth. Then they write down five things for which they are thankful – one for each finger.
Over the years, our tablecloth has filled up with hand-prints of many sizes and shapes. There are hand-prints for loved ones who have passed away. Each hand-print represents a year of thanksgiving. We’re on our second tablecloth as we’ve been doing this for many years. I’m looking forward to reading your responses to today’s Thanksgiving Ice Breaker!
My Answer:
Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response! (As always, feel free to share links.) And keep Stretching!
For those reading this in America, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day yesterday. Our family enjoyed time with some friends. It was fun to hang out together laughing and sharing.
As I have shared throughout the week, our family Thanksgiving tradition includes tracing our hand prints onto a white tablecloth. In each of our fingers, we write down something for which we are thankful. This week, I’m taking time to share something I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year. I’m hoping you’ll contribute to the conversation by leaving something for which you are thankful for each day.
Here is the fifth thing I wrote down this year:
I’m not talking about the NBC television show, The Voice, although I do watch it from time to time.
I’m talking about the opportunity to utilize my voice.
This idea was initially sparked by my involvement in Toastmasters this year. I’m thankful for the opportunity to practice using my voice in a way that enhances my communication and leadership skills. I’m also thankful for the people I’ve met along the way as a result of my involvement with Toastmasters.
Then I started thinking about other ways I get to use my voice. My voice is heard every time someone reads one of my blog posts, reads one of my comments, or reads my book. I get to use my voice at my job through my daily interactions with team members, co-workers, and customers. I also get to use my voice at home. I hope I am a voice for wisdom, for love, and for hope.
The more I thought about being thankful for my voice, the more I kept coming back to the fact that many people in this world do not have a voice. It’s not that they cannot speak. It’s more that they are not heard. This is sad. People with do not have a voice often go unnoticed and forgotten. They fall by the wayside and are steamrolled by those who are more powerful, more influential, and just plain louder.
Each one of us has the opportunity to be the voice for others who do not have a voice. It first involves us waking up and noticing those around us who don’t have a voice. Then it involves utilizing our own voices and platforms to speak up for those who don’t have a voice. By doing this, we be can be the catalyst to amplify the voice of those who have gone unheard. You and I can do this!
My experiences in Guatemala have certainly provided an opportunity to see those who don’t have a voice. Part of the reason I share about my Guatemalan experiences is to help me remember. I don’t want to forget what I’ve seen, what I’ve experienced, and who I’ve met. Another reason for sharing my Guatemalan journey is to open others eyes to those in the little village of Xenacoj who might otherwise go unheard. I want people to know about my friends in Xenacoj. I want people here at home to understand what they are facing every day. And I want readers to get involved to help change things in Xenacoj for my dear Guatemalan friends.
With this in mind, I am very thankful for my voice. I know I have an opportunity to help the unheard be heard.
This week I am celebrating a tradition in our house. Our family Thanksgiving tradition includes tracing our hand prints onto a white tablecloth. In each of our fingers, we write down something for which we are thankful. This week, I’m taking time to share something I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year. I’m hoping you’ll contribute to the conversation by leaving something for which you are thankful for each day.
Here is the fourth thing I’ll be writing down this year:
I am so blessed to have a wonderful family and some great friends. I’m especially thankful for my wife, Leanne, and for our two teenagers. It’s been a busy year, but we have enjoyed growing together. Leanne has ventured into life coaching this year, and the kids are busy with running, youth group, band, and scouts. I’m extremely blessed.
I am also thankful for my extended family. This year, we said goodbye to my Grandma Stolpe, and it gave us the opportunity to spend time with parts of my family I haven’t seen in years.
I have so many friends for whom I am thankful. There are way too many to list here. I’m thankful for those who have cheered me on, listened to me, and just hung out with me.
This week I am celebrating a tradition in our house. Our family Thanksgiving tradition includes tracing our hand prints onto a white tablecloth. In each of our fingers, we write down something for which we are thankful. This week, I’m taking time to share something I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year. I’m hoping you’ll contribute to the conversation by leaving something for which you are thankful for each day.
Here is the third thing I’ll be writing down this year:
In January 2014, I celebrated 18 years with my company. I work for the leading building automation company in the Philadelphia area. I came in as a project engineer back in 1996. I moved through the project management ranks, and I have been an operations manager with the company for the past seven plus years.
I’ll confess that I don’t enjoy every single aspect of my job, but for the most part, I do like my job. I really appreciate the people who I get to work with day after day. I like the unique aspect of our projects and the demand for excellence from our valued customer base. I especially love the fact that I get to help people succeed.
My job has given me the opportunity to see things, go places, and meet people I would have missed out on without this job. And I’m grateful for the support I and my family have received from my workplace.
I am off from work this week (another reason to be thankful), but I am certainly looking forward to returning back on Monday to conquer the challenges that wait for me.