Category Archives for "September 11th"

2nd Race to Remember – Perk Trail Half Marathon and 5K

I’d like to announce the 2nd Annual Race to Remember (A.K.A. The Perk Trail Half Marathon and 5K).  If you followed me last year, I ran the first Race to Remember last year on September 11th as an opportunity to get in shape, enjoy the Perkiomen Trail, and to remember those impacted by the attacks on our country on 9/11/2001.  It was a great day for me.  Last year, I announced the race fairly late, and I ran the race for the most part by myself.  This year, I’m hoping to get a few people to join me by announcing the race much earlier.  Here are the details as I’m planning it now:

When:  Saturday, September 8, 2012

Time:  8:00AM

Entry Fee:  $0.00 (but I think it would be cool if we could collect canned goods for the local food pantry)  Currently, this is a non-supported race.  There are no timekeepers, no race t-shirts, and no awards.  I guess that could change if someone steps up and wants to help.

Where:  If you’re interested (let me know), my plan is to start the “race” at mile marker 11 which is located behind Tailwinds Bike Shop in Schwenksville, PA.  I’ll run south through Collegeville, PA to mile marker 4.5 which is located at Yerkes Road.  I’ll turn around and come back with the finish past mile marker 11 at the Schwenksville Fire Department.  You’re on your own for parking, but you should be able to find something real close in town.  (For the 5K, you start and end at the same point.  The turnaround point is mile marker 9.5 which is just past the foot bridge south of the Plank Road Park – Central Perkiomen Valley Park.)

Why:  I listed the reasons above.  Similar to last year, I will be thinking and praying for different people along the way.  Here’s what I did last year:  I’ve also been thinking about dedicating each mile to thinking and praying for different people (and things)…Mile 1: Spouses of those who lost their lives on September 11th…Mile 2: Children of those who lost their lives on September 11th…Mile 3: Firefighters…Mile 4: Policemen…Mile 5: Service men and women…Mile 6: Leaders in our country…Mile 7: Leaders around the world…Mile 8: Leaders in our community…Mile 9: People who work in New York City…Mile 10 People who work in Washington, D.C….Mile 11: Churches and Aid Organizations…Mile 12: Our Enemies…Mile 13: Peace.  For my reflections on the first Race to Remember, you should check out this link.

So what do you think?  Are you in?  I’d love to run the Race to Remember with others this year.  If you’re interested, you can “sign up” by leaving your name in the comments.

What are you training for these days?  How did you remember 9/11 last year?