Last night, I decided to take out the saxophone for a little bit. Back in junior high and high school, I used to play it quite a bit. I loved the fact that I could make music and express myself through this instrument. I loved playing in several jazz groups, concert bands, marching bands, pit bands, and even all-state bands.
A couple of years ago, I took lessons again to see if I could get back into playing shape. To some degree it worked. I relearned a few things, and I was able to get my lip back into playing shape.
Getting back to last night, my son has been working on a few pieces for us to play together. Isaac has a real gift; his ear for music is incredible. He enjoys playing the trumpet. And his piano skills are really coming along. Last night, we jammed to two songs, Going Home and Tequilla Sunrise. It was so much fun to play with him. We both have some work to do before we’re ready to take our show on the road, but it is so much fun to play together.
Today, I’m thanking God for this gift of music.
1 Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
2 Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
4 praise him with timbrel and dancing,
praise him with the strings and pipe,
5 praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.
I’m trying something new… Honestly, I’m not sure I like watching myself on video, but I had to try this at least once. Here’s a rough recording of a song I like to play called Misty by Erroll Garner originally written in 1954. I remember my dad whistling this song when I was a kid, and it has always been one of my favorite. This isn’t my best take on it, but it will do for now. Let me know what you think. Maybe I’ll post more sometime, once I get this thing figured out.
This evening, I started working on this song on saxophone by Padre Martini. After practicing, I poked around the web to see if I could see what it really sounded like. This clip will give you the tune. Now, I’ll need to practice.
Until the next post, I’ll be practicing…
This morning I had my second saxophone lesson. My instructor gave me a piece of music to work on. The piece is called Harlem Nocturne. This is a song that I played many years ago, so the sound of it brings back some great memories. The song itself was written by Earle Hagan in 1940. For those of you who haven’t heard the song before, I’ve listed the lyrics below as well as a YouTube clip. This will be my project over the next few weeks. Should be fun.
Harlem Nocturne
A nocturne for the blues played on a bro – ken heart string
It’s wailing out the news my baby is gone from me.
Dark shadows in the rain, a tel – e – phone that won’t ring
Just mem – o – ries re- main of lovers that used to be.
I miss the laughs and the fun, my spot in the sun
When I was the one one and only.
The music and lights, those wonderful nights
The morn – ing is the time we’d kiss.
The laughs and the fun, my days in the sun,
They’re over and done, and I’m lonely;
Don’t ask me to hide the heartbreak in – side
The gleam – ing spark is gone, the light went dark.
This nocturn for the blues took all and left me nothing
Nothing but the blues ’til baby comes back to me.
Until the next post, keep on jammin…
For my birthday/Christmas, Leanne gave me a gift certificate for taking saxophone lessons at the Providence School of Music and WiFi Cafe. Yesterday, I had my first lesson. For those of you who don’t know, I played that saxophone from fifth grade through the end of high school. I thoroughly enjoyed this time; however, I permitted the business of life and the demands of college and work to push this skill/talent/escape to the wayside. Well, I’d like to say that I’m back. (Hopefully, it will last!) I believe I’m the first woodwind student at the school. If you are interested in taking woodwind lessons (sax, clarinet, flute, etc.) and you live in the Collegeville area, I’d encourage you to check out the school.