Category Archives for "Rumors of God"

New Year’s Eve 2011 Week In Review…

It’s been a different week here at the Stretched blog.  The holidays have provided a great opportunity to catch up with family, to relax, and to regroup for 2012.  The traffic to the Stretched Blog was a little lower than the past few weeks, but that was expected.  On the positive, December 2011 has been the best month (by far) since the blog started!  Thank you!

Here’s the rundown on the posts for the week:

Monday: Top Posts of 2011 Number 3 – Reflect More, Risk More, Leave A Legacy – Start Blogging (A Guest Post by Jason Fountain)

Tuesday: Top Posts of 2011 Number 2 – Ten Things Every Small Group Leader Should Know

Wednesday:  Top Posts of 2011 Number 1 – Top 10 Things To Do At Grove City College

Thursday:  Book Review: Rumors of God by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson

Friday (this actually posted Saturday do to a visit to me by the stomach flu):  Ice Breaker – Resolutions

I am so thankful for your continued contribution to the blog through comments.  Your comments are what makes this Stretched Community!  Please remember to take the time to Subscribe to the blog, so you can have Stretched delivered daily to your e-mail inbox.  Also, don’t forget to stop by the Jon Stolpe Stretched Facebook fan page.  Become a fan to keep up with some additional Stretched stuff.  I have started to share more blog highlights from other blogs that I read regularly.  I think you’ll find some great stuff here.  Thanks!

I’m really excited about this upcoming week as we roll into 2012!  I’ll be guest posting on a blog or two, and I’ll have more stuff right here.  Please stop back so you can see what’s going on here!

How about you?  How was your week?  If you’re a blogger what happened over your way this week?  Did you read any great blog posts this week?  Share with the rest of us!

Book Review: Rumors of God by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson

Several months ago, I received a free copy of Rumors of God from Brandon Gilliland (Thanks, Brandon!) as a prize for reading and commenting on his blog.  I love this time of the year as it gives me a chance to catch up on some reading.  I finally finished reading this book this week.

Rumors of God was written by two pastors from Australia – Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson (he even spells his name correctly).  It seems that this book was written as a challenge to American churches and American Christians to live like God is real – to live like the rumors of God aren’t just rumors, God is real!.

“But what about us (America)?  Are we simply content to watch the American church limp into eternity?  Are you ready to drift through the rest of your life, lulled and softened by our comfort and ease?  We believe that deep in your soul you long to see the fame and deeds of God renewed and known in our time.  We believe that you were created for a radical pursuit of Jesus and his kingdom.”

The book does an excellent job reminding readers that faith is meant to be experienced.  For many Americans, our faith is generally inactive, private, and stuck in our heads.  In Rumors to God, Whitehead and Tyson share stories and stories from scripture that inspire readers to make their faith active, out-loud, and alive.

I really appreciated how the authors start at the personal side of faith by challenging readers on the topics of love, grace, generosity, and abundant life.  And I love how they end with challenges related to community, justice, and hope.  The book definitely provided encouragement and inspiration.  I would recommend it.

Have you read Rumor of God?  What did you think?

What steps are you taking to experience your faith?

What are you reading right now?