Category Archives for "quote"

Ice Breaker – Favorite Quote

ICE BREAKER Favorite Quote

Most weeks on The Stretched Blog, I ask an ice breaker question on Fridays. The questions are designed to help us get to know each other here in The Stretched Community. I’ll provide my answer to the question here in the post, and then you can leave your response in the comments. While you’re in the comments section, see how others answered the ice breaker question.

(I’m always looking for Ice Breaker question ideas.  If you have an idea, send me an email at  If I use your question, I’ll give you credit and share your links.)

Question:  What is your favorite quote?

My Answer:  “…make the most of every opportunity…”  Colossians 4:5

Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response! (As always, feel free to share links.) And keep Stretching!

Don’t forget to sign up for the 7 Week Stretch Challenge.  You can sign up right here:

Stretch Quote – A Look In The Mirror (Luther Allison)

STRETCH QUOTE A Look In The Mirror

But let’s face it, I still have to look at my self and look at the things I’ve done down the STRETCH.

Luther Allison

We are coming down the final stretch for 2015.

Take time to look in the mirror – to reflect on the past year.

What went well in 2015?  What were your big wins in 2015?

What didn’t go so well in 2015?  What do you want to change as you head into the new year?

What help do you need as you head into 2016?

Use this last week of 2015 well.

How would you answer the questions above?  Leave your answer in the comments.

Stretch Quote – Reach Out Your Hand (@M_Heseltine)

STRETCH QUOTE Reach Out Your Hand

There are those who never STRETCH out the hand in fear it will be bitten.  But those who never STRETCH out the hand will never feel it clasped in friendship.

Michael Heseltine

Are you willing to take the risk?

Are you willing to STRETCH out your hand to a neighbor, a co-worker, or someone else?

It can be scary to reach out into the unknown, but it is almost always well worth the risk.  What are you waiting for?


Stretch Quote – Expand Your Heart (@Daphne_Kingma)

STRETCH QUOTE Expand Your Heart

Today, see if you can STRETCH your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also those who need it so much.

Daphne Rose Kingma

It’s easy to love the lovable.

Who do you find it hard to love?

What can you do to show them love today?


Stretch Quote – Helping Hand


It is a denial of justice not to STRETCH out a helping hand to the fallen that is the common right of humanity.

Seneca the Elder

What’s in it for me?  This is a question most of us are asking ourselves.

What if this is the wrong question?  What if we flipped the question?

What’s in it for others?  What’s in it for those who really need a helping hand?

How can you STRETCH out a helping hand to those in need?  Share your thoughts in the comments.

Stretch Quote – Tree (Pauline R. Kezer)


Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us STRETCH and grow and reach new heights.

Pauline R. Kezer

I don’t like change, but I like to keep growing.

What if continuity and change were meant to work together?

What things do you need to keep doing to building deeper roots?  And what things do you need to start doing to help you reach new heights?

Stretch Quote – Long STRETCH Of Road

STRETCH QUOTE Long Stretch of Road

A long STRETCH of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet.

Patrick Rothfuss

We are meant to be stretched.  If we’re not stretching, we’re not growing.  And we are probably not living the life we were meant to live.

I write about life’s stretch marks, because I want to learn from my experiences.  And I hope my own personal education will benefit others who read along.

Are you on a long stretch of road?  Or are you in the middle of quiet?

Stretch Quote – New Dimensions For Your Mind (Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr)

Stretch Quote New Dimensions For Your Mind

A mind that is STRETCHED by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

If you are like me, you don’t always like new experiences.  This quote reminds me that new experiences are the catalyst for taking us to new dimensions.

What is something new you experienced recently?  How did this experience stretch you?

Stretch Quote – Finish Strong (@RobinSharma)

Stretch Quote Finish Strong

Starting strong is good.  Finishing strong is epic.

Robin Sharma

The past few weeks, I have been running hard.  I’m not ready to give up, but I can feel fatigue tempting me to ease up on my effort.

This is the same feeling I had while running each of my three marathons.  A marathon is 26.2 miles long.  Around 20 miles into the race, it’s common for runners to hit the wall.

In life it can be the same way.  Life is a marathon, and we start with the best of intentions, but we too often lose focus and energy before we reach the finish line.

Today, I want to remind you to finish strong.  How you finish will build character in your life and will determine your legacy.

As we enter the final lap of 2015, I encourage you to keep going.  Run through the finishing line.  Finish strong!

What keeps you pressing on when you feel like giving up?

For more encouragement to finish strong, check out my book:  On Track – Life Lessons from the Track & Field.  There’s an entire chapter dedicated to finishing strong.

Stretch Quote – Greater Capacity (@BidemiMarkMordi)

stretch quote greater capacity

The human spirit is like an elastic band. The more you STRETCH, the greater your capacity.

Bidemi Mark-Mordi

The other day, I discovered an old rubber band behind on the floor near the wall in my office.  The rubber band had been there for a while.  It hadn’t been stretched for a while, and it was actually brittle.  I grabbed two sides of the rubber band, and I pulled my hands away from each other.  The rubber band stretched a little, but it didn’t last.  Within seconds, the rubber band snapped.  It broke.  Instead of a continuous circle of rubber, it turned into a curvy line of rubber.  It was no longer useful, so I threw it in my trash can.

If you don’t use a rubber band, it becomes useless.

Stretching is important for our lives.  We must keep stretching ourselves to maintain our usefulness and to help us grow to new limits.

How are you intentionally stretching yourself?

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