Camporee – My Son Is Growing Up

This morning, I dropped Isaac off for a Boy Scout Camporee sponsored by Schwenksville Boy Scout Troop 105.  Last year, I attended this event with him, and I had a blast despite the rain.  This year, we decided to let him camp without me.  In some ways, I was sad that I wasn’t going to be there to enjoy the fun, but I was looking forward to being with Leanne and Hannah.  And the more I thought about it, I was excited that Isaac would have an opportunity to stretch his own wings by camping without me.

In February, he will be making the transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.  As part of this transition, leadership and responsibility shifts from the parents to the boys.  In some ways, it’s hard to see our son growing up so quickly, but I am honestly so proud of him.  And I’m looking forward to watching him grow as he becomes a young man.