Bringing Consistency To My Blog

I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog.  I’d like to get into a routine of writing 4-5 days per week.  I’m thinking that it would be helpful to have a regular schedule for my posts in order to reach this goal.  So here are some of my ideas.

One day could be a family/marriage/parenting focus.  This would be an opportunity to share the “stretch marks” that go into raising my kids, investing in my best friend, and taking our family through life.

One day could be could be a church/ministry/small group focus.  I’m still trying to figure out where I fit into this whole picture, but I know there’s a passion for helping people connect to each other and to God.  This focus would be an opportunity to share the “stretch marks” that hit these areas.

One day could be a guest post.  I value what others have to say about what is “stretching” them.  If you would be interested and willing to put your “stretch marks” out there for the world to see, please leave a comment below.  I’d love to get in touch with you.

One day could be a miscellaneous focus.  The areas above remain primary in my attention, but there are other things that get my brain moving – leadership, blogging, hobbies, personal discipline, and other stretching points.

So this is what’s been on my mind recently.  I’m realizing though that a commitment to blog more consistently will definitely require some thought and sacrifice – and some accountability perhaps.

Do you blog?  Why do you blog?  How regularly do you blog?  Do you have a game plan for blogging on a regular basis?  How has this worked for you?