Are You Building The Right Platform?
On Track. On Track. On Track.
If you’ve been following the blog the past couple of months then you know I released my first book on April 22, 2014. On Track – Life Lessons from the Track & Field is my first book which I self published through Writing the book, reviewing the book and its cover, editing the book, and revising the book required a fair amount of work, but so much more of the work in releasing the book has been related to growing my platform and establishing a launch strategy and launch team.
The past couple of months have felt like I’ve been on a long promotional run of trying to get attention for my book and for me.
I’m guessing this is how many authors feel today. Marketing is left in the hands of the author. We have to push, push, and push some more. We have to talk about our book with as many people as possible. And it feels like we have to pump up our own name and brand in an effort to get the world’s attention. Today’s blogging and book writing worlds are all about platform development.
Look at me! Buy my book! Read my blog!
What if we have it backwards?
I think this is most likely the case.
I think we are pumping up the wrong thing – the wrong person. (Yes, I include the me in the we. I get it wrong more often than not.)
Our mission should not be all about bringing glory to Jon Stolpe. This is not my chief purpose in life.
My purpose is to bring glory to God. My main mission should be about bringing glory to His name. My chief goal in life should be to build God’s platform in this world.
Will this sell my books? Will building God’s platform bring me fame and fortune? Perhaps. It could I guess. But bringing glory to God most likely will not put me on the bestseller list. And this is okay.
I grew up at a Presbyterian church in New Jersey, and I went to a college with Presbyterian roots. The Westminster Shorter Catechism was taught or at least mentioned in both these places. The Catechism is a list of questions with answers and Scriptures which back up the answers The Catechism is used to help define and explain the key doctrines of the Presbyterian church. The first question from the Catechism speaks this topic:
Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, [a] and to enjoy him for ever. [b]
- [a]. Ps. 86:9; Isa. 60:21; Rom. 11:36; I Cor. 6:20; 10:31; Rev. 4:11
- [b]. Ps. 16:5-11; 144:15; Isa. 12:2; Luke 2:10; Phil. 4:4; Rev. 21:3-4
What are you chasing after? What are you pursuing? What kind of platform are you building?
Choose today to build a platform that will last – God’s platform!
Then go and enjoy Him forever!
Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name.” Psalm 66:2-4