3 Thumbs Up! August 11th, 2012

It’s been a while, but here are my 3 thumbs up for this week.

Thumbs Up Number 1:  Chris Cannon Music.  I met Chris on my recent trip to Guatemala.  He was one of our team leaders who worked for AIM (Adventures in Missions).  Each night, Chris lead our team in worship up on the roof of the compound where we stayed.  For his last night in Xenacoj, Guatemala, he shared his story with our team.  Part of Chris’s story includes a song that he wrote following the death of a friend.  I’ve been listening to the song (Called Home) over and over again this week.  As Chris heads back to the United States to finish up his schooling, he will also be working on an album that he hopes to release in the coming months.  To get a taste of his music style, go to iTunes and purchase his song.  Great stuff!

Thumbs Up Number 2:  Adventures in Missions.  This was the organization that our Guatemala team worked with during our time in Xenacoj.  I was very impressed by the organization and the team of four leaders that led and served our group.  While I was there, I learned that Adventures in Missions (A.I.M.) offers trips for youth groups, families, and young adults in the United States and all around the world.  If you’re interested in pursuing a short-term trip from a week to a year, you should check out A.I.M. at adventures.org.

Thumbs Up Number 3:  RobSorbo.com.  Rob Sorbo blogs about missions every Wednesday.  It’s appropriate that I would highlight Rob and his blog this week as I focus on missions and my recent trip to Guatemala.  Rob grew up as an MK – Missionary Kid, so he has some experience to back up his writing.  Go check out Rob’s blog to see what I’m talking about.  Leave him a comment, and tell him that I sent you.

What else deserves a thumbs up this week?