2nd Chances

If you needed another example to show that God is the God of second chances, you should have been watching Monday night’s All-Star game Home Run Derby at Yankees Stadium. The last batter of the first round was Texas Rangers RBI leader Josh Hamilton. Josh has an interesting story to tell. He appeared to have it all going when he was drafted number one by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays a few years ago. With a number one draft choice usually comes a nice contract and signing bonus. Well, Josh quickly disappeared from the baseball seen when his addictions to alcohol, heroine, and other drugs took over. He literally was gone from baseball for three years. Typically, this would spell the end to any one’s professional sports career. Interestingly enough, it didn’t mean the end for Josh. Somewhere along the road, he connected with God. He found accountability, and he cleaned up his life. And Monday night, Josh was the star of the Home Run Derby after he nailed 28 home runs in the first round.

Now, I’m not saying that God’s going to turn you into a star baseball player if you follow Him. However, I’m convinced that there is nothing you could ever do that would make God love you less. If you’re far from Him, He’s still there for you.

Until the next post, I’m thankful for second chances…